Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Free Download Angry Birds Seasons Back to School Apk

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Konnichiwa! Rizu balik lagi, kali ini Rizu bakal share game seru yang baru-baru ini booming dan menjadi game favorit para gamers, yaituuuuu.. Angry Birds! Yak, siapa yang tak kenal burung merah yang sedang marah fenomenal yang menjadi ikon game tersebut? Sudah pasti hampir seluruh readers mengenalnya bukan? Nah kali ini Rizu akan memperkenalkan episode terbarunya, yakni Angry Bird Season Back to School! Untuk lebih lengkapnya sila baca deskripsinya dibawah.

Game Description:
Angry Birds Season Back to School - This is a new fresh episode with a new birdie. You will see more than 290 new levels. 20 fascinating levels on school theme plus some bonus levels with apples, pencils, bags, and play fields are added in this part. And music also changed to more scholar theme. And the most interesting- a new heroine, a cute pink birdie looks like a soap-bubble.



Android 1.6 +

Download: Click Here

Nah, sekian postingan kali ini, sampai jumpa dipostingan berikutnya Minna-san XDD Jaa~

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Free Download Crysis Apk

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Yo! Minna-san, Rizu come back! XD hihi.. kali ini Rizu akan share game berbasis Android lagi nih, siap-siap ya.. namanya.. Crysis!

Game Description:
Crysis - you should play for a soldier of a special group. Once on the island, near China, the meteorite fell which actually was an ancient spaceship, capable to change the climate on the Earth. All countries and intelligence services, certainly, wanted to investigate it. Among them both your group and your enemies – Koreans were. Your group goes at once on the island quickly to investigate the fallen ship. In the game you should be at war with Koreans and aliens.
Unfortunately it is not a full game, and only a prototype of future shooter. There’s practically nothing in it now. But, we will hope that this game will be not thrown by developers and we will be able shortly to play a real port Crysis.



3D, Shooter, Touchscreen

Android 2.2 +

Download: Click Here

Nah, sekian postingan kali ini, sampai jumpa dipostingan berikutnya Minna-san XDD Jaa~

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Free Download Fruit Ninja Apk

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Ne, Minna-san kali ini Rizu akan share game yang tak kalah serunya, apa itu? Ini diaaaaa.. Fruit Ninja!

Game Description:

Fruit Ninja - It is magnificent a fascinating game on its simplicity and boldness which causes desire to play it again and again. Feel like a real ninja. You will train your skills on various tropical fruit, cutting them in half by a sharp, ground as a razor, sword. However, be careful - don't run into bombs. In the game there’s bright juicy graphics and some modes of game. 



Android 1.6 +

Download: Click Here

Nah, sekian postingan kali ini, sampai jumpa dipostingan berikutnya Minna-san XDD Jaa~
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Free Download Earn to Die Apk

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Ne Minna-san, sesuai janji Rizu beberapa saat yang lalu, kali ini Rizu akan membagikan game berbasis Android yang tentunya seru dan juga FREE! Game-nya itu adalaaaaah.. Jeng.. Jeng.. Earn to Die!

Game Description:
Earn to Die - a game in which you should pass your way through a real zombie-apocalypse to save your life! You got stuck in the desert in zombie environment. You have a decrepit car which practically isn't capable to move. But to survive you have to make it pass at least some meters to crush couple of zombie and to earn a little money for an upgrade. Thus you will be able to improve all characteristics of your car, to hang up weapon on it and rush from this terrible place as soon as possible! The game includes new and expanded history mode in which you should drive on a cross-country terrain, 8 types of cars, a lot of updatings and zombie, and also a realistic physical engine.



Android 2.1 +

Download: Click Here

Nah, sekian postingan kali ini, sampai jumpa dipostingan berikutnya Minna-san XDD Jaa~

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb